Monday, August 28, 2023

I was thinking today about what we've been told since we could open a book and read, namely, that in the universe, man is insignificant, barely an iota in the lot of things.

Did you ever look at the pictures sent back from Mars where a rover goes about taking pictures of rocks, and other things they find interesting? Well, multiply that times however many times there are galaxies, and planets within those galaxies.

So then, are we insignificant in this universe because of the hundreds of billions of galaxies swirling about, hundreds of millions of light years away? Is not knowing how vast the universe is the reason that we think of man as merely accidental? This is the view that man's enemy, the devil, would have us believe.

But it's actually quite the opposite. Within the universe there is a Divine message that calls out to man, from the furthest outreaches of the universe. It actually says we are here to know God for all eternity without ever exhausting what there is to know about the divine essence.

Who can't imagine what it would be if our souls could fly and pass by the ancient Constellations, like Orion, or the Big Dipper, and then onto something as beautiful as the Eagle Nebula which is 57 Trillion miles high, and be amazed at the sheer wonder of it all. Then if we could travel at the speed of light to the furthest galaxy, which is hundreds of millions of light years away, we would discover planets within that galaxy, and on any given planet we would discover there are rocks, and within each rock we would discover the atoms never seen before, and the atoms are made up of electrons. They are there, seemingly without purpose in the vastness of space because no one has seen them, all the while orbiting around some distant sun too far away to be observed.

But are they meaningless? No! Each electron is held in existence by the pure will of God, and they are there for a reason. Each electron speaks of a relationship between man and the universe, namely, that man can see it, he can put his hands on it, but, each electron has a clarion call, it actually speaks about man and his relationship to God.

With the seemingly countless electrons in the universe it would take countless years to exhaust what there is to know about how many there are and the role they play by merely existing, but, eventually, it would come to an end. Not so with God. With God, you would NEVER come to an end of knowing what there is to know about God, and that is what man's relationship to the universe tells us.

The fact that It is impossible to know all that there is to know about God, is what the most distant electrons in the universe tell us, even though they cannot be seen from where we are. And what if when we got there, we found there were myriad of other galaxies even more distant, just when we thought we had come to an end? The universe itself is limited because it is created, but the seemingly countless things there are to discover speaks about the infinite God whom we will know and love for all eternity without ever exhausting what there is to know and love about Him.

Remember, in man, or anything that exists, there is nothing that causes him to exist. We exist purely by the will of God, yes, even the furthest galaxy, even the furthest electron.

So, the next time you consider man’s place in the universe, think of this. Man is made to discover what there is to know and love about God for all eternity without ever exhausting what there is to know and love about God.

That makes the heart of every man and woman, truly, the center of the universe.

R. LeBlanc